Saturday, February 8, 2014

How to Lose Weight and Feel Great


The truth is that we don't just want to know how to get slimmer. We want to know how to lose weight and feel great at the same time. As for me, I had tried diet after diet with no success because I always felt deprived, hungry and horrible. In fact, I had actually lost hope that there was a great way to get rid of the fat and feel good at the same time. I had given in and resolved myself to the fact that in order to get skinny I would have to feel horrible. Luckily, I was wrong.

One day on an internet search I discovered the LCHF diet. That stands for the low carbohydrate high fat diet. The website was great and gave tons of information on how to lose weight while still feeling great. The biggest part of the diet plan is to count carbs. While I had heard of this concept before, I had never really tried it. And when I started counting, I was amazed at how many carbs I was eating. I was eating 200 or 300 grams of carbohydrates a day.

The best part of the information on the LCHF website was that eating the carbs actually sucks the energy out of your body. So as long as I was eating all those carbs I felt tired, had low energy, and felt lethargic. When I really started the diet and decreased my carbs to only 50 or less net carbs per day, I was amazed at the results. I had more energy. I was more alert. I was less sleepy ding the daytime. It was really amazing.

The other key piece of info I found was that exercising actually helps increase your energy levels, making you feel even better. So exercise became the second component of how to lose weight and have more energy. I just did about 20 minutes on the treadmill three or four time a week. And, to my amazement, I found that on the days I went to the gym I was bouncing around the office like a teenager doing ninja moves on my coworkers. Really!

The results have been amazing. I set my weight loss goal for 25 pounds and I actually exceeded my goal. And the best part is that I have felt great on the diet and even better with the exercise. Thanks to everybody who developed this diet and brought it to my attention.


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